Hungry 4 Love / GT (A98) (
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Exactly 4 minutes... Just let the whole song play... ohh... this year I don't give a damn about the results!
tracked by: GERCHY / GT " Hungry 4 Love " - compo version - for abort 98 demoparty! -> greetz: ╞ Demmas ╞ Orion ╞ Perrra ╞ aRTy ╞ Outshined ╞ Ch!p ╞ M.S. hihat-open short-synth club1 tinybass looped strings basedrum dance drum hard tecbass CC rhythm1 CC rhythm2 CC rhythm3 brass hihat-close disco supersnare crash speed drum cabassa phase hihats1 phase hihats2 phase hihats3 heavy strings sfx1 reversed cymbal lead strings choir club2
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