Shytan - Helena's Theme (
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Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 1st Dec 2008
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Wonderful, I had to look at the patterns to ensure I wasn't listening to long samples of prerecorded elec piano work. The blend of the rain in the beginning is especially effective. I found the string introduction to be smooth and complemented well. Shame this is so short at only 3 minutes. It's one I'd recommend to others :)
Internal Texts *
------------------------------------------------------------ HELENA'S THEME ------------------------------------------------------------ tracked by Shytan (Oleg Bojczuk) /Donetsk ------------------------------------------------------------ Dedicated to my beloved Lena, the girl that I finally found. Originally composed for guitar. This is the IT version with some minor orchestration. ------------------------------------------------------------ Software used: Modplug Tracker 1.16.0203, Jeskola Buzz 1.2 ------------------------------------------------------------ Notes: Best played with Modplug Tracker, Moplug Player, XMPlay or Audacious (Winamp will do too, I guess). ------------------------------------------------------------ Sample credits: >thanks go to Awesome for the pad sample; >electronic piano sampled from a VSTi plugin called mda ePiano using the Buzz VSTi host ------------------------------------------------------------ Greets: everybody on the Buzz tracking scene! ------------------------------------------------------------ Contacts: or ------------------------------------------------------------ 30.11.2008 ------------------------------------------------------------
mda_shy_ePiano pad bass flute rain ntitled Pad_sample Jz Acoustic ENS_FLUTE2_1 rain1lp OMEK_BASS_S OMEK_BASS_S
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Relaxing. Well done. Not much more to say. :)