Lonely soul (jk_lonelysoul.xm)
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Posted by BtMe on Fri 4th Jun 2010, rated 9 / 10.
Lovely little pop-ish song this one with some good melodies that play along,All the samples were very good loved the piano just add's lots of atmosphere and that nice pop beat just brings you into the tune.No real down side to this i did not like the fade to end but thats just IMO.Still as said this is a lovely pop song thats happy for a lonely soul...
Lovely little pop-ish song this one with some good melodies that play along,All the samples were very good loved the piano just add's lots of atmosphere and that nice pop beat just brings you into the tune.No real down side to this i did not like the fade to end but thats just IMO.Still as said this is a lovely pop song thats happy for a lonely soul...
Internal Texts *
Lonely soul by Jakim/StageMagician 27 XII 2009 Zrobilem na zlosc cact oosowi i oddalem crap, by nie wygrac :). Bo w koncu liczy sie fun z tworzenia, a nie miejsce ;). Sorry Ashin za niewyko rzystanie gitarek. Na pewno jednak sie nie zmarnuja :). jakim.wav michu.wav xtense.wav veeroos.wav shyz.wav chippy.wav carmazine.wav cubix.wav magiel.wav skeleton.wav oleg_dunaev.wav v0yager.wav traymuss.wav pyby.wav cactoos.wav dakota.wav psk.wav
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Wow. Sweet and smooth melody, a full sound [nothing is too overpowering], good samples [Except that piano one, desperately needs to be a multisample instrument, scaling it around like that sounds really bad].
Top notch work.