Z3 Light World Dungeon (tbp_z3_lw-dungeon.it)
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Piano 1 Strings Syn.Strings1 Timpani Piano 1 Piano 1 Piano 1 Strings Strings Strings Syn.Strings1 Syn.Strings1 Syn.Strings1 Timpani rush enor Sax rombone Piano 1 Piano 1 Piano 1 Piano 1 Concerto Piano 1 Piano 1 Piano 1 iolin Section SSS iolin Section SSS iolin Section SSS Marcato Octaves Marcato Octaves Marcato Octaves iolin Section SSS erby Strings erby Strings Concerto oncerto oncerto oncerto oncerto oncerto Concerto oncerto oncerto oncerto oncerto oncerto
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Typically, the sound quality on this one is flawless... The music itself is therefore left somewhat passive. Sorry, but that's just depressive. Try sometimes concentrating more on the patterns themselves, that's where the music itself is. Maybe it's better to give the advice, too much of possible outcomes there... I wonder did the artist specially aim the rating 7/10 to be the approximate overall score? I myself wouldn't aim lower than 8,5 to remain sane in the end for sure. See...