3 hiphop variations (3var.it)
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RSA presents 3 HIPHOP VARIATIONS Three instrumental hiphop/triphop anthems mixed in one tune for your mind Done by Reactor Grits tpt 7 18 dof october 2000 style instrumental hiphop/triphop supports resonant filtering best playback in IT214+ with MMX all rights reserved ╕2000 RSA / Reactor studios Amsterdam Song blatter: While experiencing with beats and freestyles I created three instrumental hiphop anthems and carefully mixed them into one. The outcome was a relaxing triphop creation that's food for the soul. I actually finished this one months ago, but my hd started fucking me, so the choice was this choon erased or no accessible hd (it became the first choice as you could guess). Luckily the choon was stuck in my head and now I rewrote it thanks to a 5% finished copy laying around somewhere on a vague burned cd I found. I tried to make it exact as the finished forever lost one, and improved some stuff here n there. Hope you dig it. The jazz sample in the first anthem was ripped from an old record by Stan Kenton. Other blah: Very soon I'm moving to the UK for a year and I hope RSA can go on exist there. I don't know, check the RSA site's news in the future for more details. I'm now sick at home behind my shining new PC (heh, good shit) which speeds like hell, so improved sounds on forthcoming RSA worx are guaranteed. you can drop me a mail at: reactorgrits_mindless.com and feel reborn by visiting the RSA site: http://listen.to/rsa Shouts: Hey, I'm fucking ill, you don't really think I'm now going to think of that endless list of names with people who deserve a shout? Fuck off... Heh, sorry lads. Next time better. Laaterz
RSA Reactor Grits brings you 3 HIPHOP VARIATIONS Three instrumental hiphop creations mixed into 1 press shift+f9 for details Young blood Bassdrum Snarehit electric Closed hihat Snarehit acoustic Triangle bassline Shaker (Overflow) Crash cymbal Solar feelings synth Gun In stereo scratch Breakbeat Scratch Acoustic bass Eric B scratch Fender Rhodes Jungle fx (Sarin) Break (Harry) Acoustic break Take that motherfuckers! Rewind Rimshot Ride cymbal Strings Organ Break Tom Ride cymbal Break 1 Break 2 Strings (KoM'AH) All samples are done by RSA, except those mentioned. Rip but credit the sample owner if u use them
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Three instrumental hiphop/triphop anthems mixed in one tune for your mind
Done by Reactor Grits
tpt 7 18
dof october 2000
style instrumental hiphop/triphop
supports resonant filtering
best playback in IT214 with MMX
all rights reserved
¸2000 RSA / Reactor studios Amsterdam
Song blatter:
While experiencing with beats and freestyles I created three instrumental hiphop anthems and carefully mixed them into one. The outcome was a relaxing triphop creation that's food for the soul. I actually finished this one months ago, but my hd started fucking me, so the choice was this choon erased or no accessible hd (it became the first choice as you could guess). Luckily the choon was stuck in my head and now I rewrote it thanks to a 5% finished copy laying around somewhere on a vague burned cd I
found. I tried to make it exact as the finished forever lost one, and improved some stuff here n there. Hope you dig it. The jazz sample in the first anthem was ripped from an old record by Stan Kenton.
Other blah: Very soon I'm moving to the UK for a year and I hope RSA can go on exist there. I don't know, check the RSA site's news in the future for more details. I'm now sick at home behind my shining new PC (heh, good shit) which speeds like hell, so improved sounds on forthcoming RSA worx are
Laaterz - Reactor Grits