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Aenemia (85659-aenemia.it)

Info Summary

  • 85659-aenemia.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 1.68MB in size and has been downloaded 3165 times since Wed 2nd Apr 2014 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 174891
  • Downloads: 3165
  • Favourited: 2 times
  • MD5: 81a34d0e9f035ae0281e4acea06ed3b6
  • Format: IT
  • Channels: 18
  • Uncompressed Size: 1.68MB
  • Genre: Electronic - Drum & Bass

License License

artists Registered Artist(s):


Rating Ratings

  • Member Rating: rating (9 / 10)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

Favourites People who like this tune

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comments Artist's Comments



Ill nightmares

Written for The Flying Dutchmen
Finished November 1999
tpt 6:49
style dark-techstep-like, you know
¸1999 RSA Reactor studios Amsterdam
Supports heavy resonant filtering, best playback in impulse tracker 2.14

This is one of the most sick dnb choons I've ever created. Influenced a little by Metalheadz and Technical itch. (Cheers) Vocals from Ren & Stimpy because they were very appropiate for this one

Shoutouts: Tuurlijk (moved to Tanzania) - Drome (St. Feuillien 0,75cl 9%) - TMC (calling dr GreenThumb .. ) - Bassalot (fucking cool mixtape!) - Highway (Goodbye Badchenhose) - DiZZ (kung fu shadowboxin') - The Royal Assassin - Jonkoen - Chr= - Minouk - Einie - Femke Sterre - Jason
'Mistery' Ward - Zeke - 020 - Jewel in the Mire - rest of AME kru - all idiots I forgot - Reactor Grits

Comments Your Comments

member Posted by Square Quasar on Mon 11th Sep 2023, rated 9 / 10.

This is underrated. It's structured well and uses some good samples too.

Even though there were just a few sections I didn't care too much for, it was still overall pretty good. Sounds like it belongs on one of those old school DnB playlists, so I definitely recommend it.

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Info Internal Texts *



Ill nightmares

Written for The Flying Dutchmen
Finished November 1999
tpt 6:49
style dark-techstep-like, you know
╕1999 RSA Reactor studios Amsterdam
Supports heavy resonant filtering, best playback in impulse tracker 2.14

This is one of the most sick dnb choons I've ever created. Influenced a
little by Metalheadz and Technical itch. (Cheers) Vocals from Ren & Stimpy
because they were very appropiate for this one

Shoutouts: Tuurlijk (moved to Tanzania) - Drome (St. Feuillien 0,75cl 9%)
- TMC (calling dr GreenThumb .. ) - Bassalot (fucking cool mixtape!) -
Highway (Goodbye Badchenhose) - DiZZ (kung fu shadowboxin') - The Royal
Assassin - Jonkoen - Chr= - Minouk - Einie - Femke Sterre - Jason
'Mistery' Ward - Zeke - 020 - Jewel in the Mire - rest of AME kru - all
idiots I forgot

Email me: reactorgrits_mindless.com

Take a look at our homepage: http://listen.to/rsa



  Dark and schizofrenic


Black magic
Dreamer beat
smpd n cut by reactor

Crash cymbal
Majistrate beat 1
Majistrate beat 2
Majistrate beat 3
Majistrate beat 4
Reverb drbeat
Reverb drbeat
Open hihat crash
Amen (Kom'AH)
reversed drbeat
Horror left
Horror right
Reversed crash (crimeday)
Texas chainsaw bassline
Bassline (HG-Mentz)
Rhodes G#3
Red magic 1 left
Red magic 1 right
Red magic 2 left
Red magic 2 right
Mentz organ chord
Breath chor
Noise sd
Stop it .. you're talking
We're riding ...
Can't stand it!
I'm going ...

All samples from RSA
except those who say not
you can rip
but credit RSA
if you do not
fuck you

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
