love (jusdie-love.xm)
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. love . (c) juzdie/apr/coil for demolition iii music-compo length: 3:51 date: 2.10.1997 ps. ft2 only . greets (no order) . jangler.dawnstar.ongus andie.delete.temux.teo vision.inferno.sojagga oitsu.berry.harza.pupe leach.ertza.humppa-ake exact.toy.stobe.strala odex.flex & ville p. .. and to you girls .. anne,hanna k.,johanna hanna & miia. 909 bassdrum me 909 hi-hat.short mc303 909 hi-hat.long mc303 909 crash.cymbal mc303 909 handclap mc303 bass #1 me mc303 strings me beat #1 flex 303 seq #1 all 303:s made with rebirth rb-338 303 seq #2 303 seq #3 303 seq #4 303 seq #5 303 seq #6 303 seq #7 303 seq #8 housebass me mc303 lowstring mc303 explode me breakbeat seq #1 inspekdah deck mixed by me breakbeat seq #2 inspekdah deck mixed by me breakbeat seq #3 inspekdah deck mixed by me breakbeat seq #4 inspekdah deck mixed by me breakbeat seq #5 inspekdah deck mixed by me reversed crash me reversed explode me mc303 piano mc303 909 snaredrum mc303 subbass maza "love" flex
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With such a lovely start with them string's and piano for the main melody lead got off to a very good start.After the intro it gets more of a dance vibe running through which is fine,overall a solid little track loved the intro would have been nice to have a nice middle break with just the piano and strings still i did enjoy this tune which is a hybrid mix of styles also ends the way it starts off with them strings well worth a download and or listen ........