Enemies in Fantasia (fantasia.it)
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This song is copyrighted by Falcon. You can use the samples if you want, but don't use the melody for commercial use. The song is meant to express, as the title says, the coming of enemies to Fantasia, that glorious land of milk, honey and nice dreams. The enemies conquer the nice world and change it into a desolate, barren land. But not for long! Fantasia always finds a way to rebuild, she lets her soil become fruitful and all alone trees and flowers begin to grow. The enemies, struck with terror for this magic-like rebirth, flee and Fantasia has won, once again... I want to thank Delta X from NOISE, for his excellent samples in Calling Space Station One, and all the other trackers for their good job, and above all Jeffrey Lim, for making the best Tracker ever seen. Mail me if you feel this weird urgent need to do that: Brak.zn_consunet.nl Well, enjoy Enemies in Fantasia, and please use the samples.
Synbass 1 Synbass 2 Percussions 1 Percussions 2 Shamisen Pan Flute Fantasia Aurora 1 Vibes 3 High Strings 1 Shot Reversed Crash Claphands Snaredrum helder Snaredrum hoog Crash Fantasia Voice Splishsplash Birds Thunder 1 Thunder 2 Mad Laugh Ambient Press Shift-F9 Synbass Synbass 2 Tomtom Bassdrum 1 Snaredrum 1 Tomtom 2 Tomtom 3 Bommel Hihat Closed Hihat Open Bass Drum Snare Drum Closed Hihat Open Hihat Crash Cymbal Twinkle Shamisen Panflute Fantasia Aurora Vibes Strings Shot RevCymbal Claphands Snaardrum Clear Snaardrum High Bekkenslag Fantasia Voice Madlaugh Ambient Some samples from Twister Splishsplash Birds Thunder Thunder 2 copyright 1998 Almost all samples are from other songs, sorry, but it's hard to make them myself. (You might agree upon this) Press SHIFT-F9 for more information on this song
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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