Heart of a dragon - Mayhem (dragon.s3m)
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--------------------------- "Heart of a Dragon" (c) January 23 1995 Max Quagliotto -- Mayhem M A Z U R k A approx time: 4:23 --------------------------- MAZ: Bass Guitar MAZ: ... R MAZ: ∙∙∙ O MAZ: ,,, C MAZ: ``` K MAZ: ''' ! MAZ: <-> MAZ: Korg Synth Lead MAZ: Clavs MAZ: Strings MAZ: [] MAZ: Soft Bass MAZ: <>- MAZ: ][ As some might notice, the beginning tune is from a song that i loved, but forgot. When i heard this song again, I remembered it and HAD to remix it! It is Ricky the Dragon's theme song from WWF Wrestling. (I hate wrestling now btw) Greets go out to: -------------------- - All MAZURkA Members - The COEXiSTENCE - PM & Skaven / FC - Ryan Cramer / REN - Noisy Man / Iguana and especially my best friends! Internet address: mayhem1_io.org -Later! MAZ: Guitar Feedback
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Nice module found in an old floppy disk