Dogdie (mb-dgdie.s3m)
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Deleted all the patterns of Purple Motion's Starshine to prove Big Jim wrong. Lead piano melody comes from playing Fur Elise wron and was inspired from Zero Project's Gothic. Greetz to: Purple Motion, Big Jim, Dj Glejs, Zero Project, Skaven, and the Demoscene Discord for attempting to salvage this song! (It didn't work though) :( Made by MineBrandon and stated on 7/2/22, finished on 1/26/23, & polished up a bit for release on 2/28/23 My first module too so it sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I like the idea a lot. Really. Instruments 5-6 remind me of Voyage to Eternity.
There's a whole lot of potential. The biggest thing would be less 'rigidity' if that makes any sense. Many parts sound like key-jamming despite having considerable thought put behind them, the song sounds disjointed in general. So, harmony.
Like, it could lean more into developing (or working with) the main melody, rather than the side arrangements, which by the way I like quite a bit. The percussion work is very good, can see the inspiration clearly as well.
But anyways, Best wishes to you my man. I like what you do.