Lost in woods (lostinwo.it)
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HA-HA !!! WHAT ELSE YOU WANNA KNOW??? AHH? come back when you'll repair your keyboard by the way.. sorry for my LAme English..I'm Russian so don't scold me for my mistakes.. BLIN !!! ETI DURAKI NA SIDIROME WOOBSHCE SVIHNULIS!!! REITINGI VONYAUT POPSOI !!! IH NADO DAVIT !!!! I PUSTIT NA MYULO ! LONG-LIFE AMGorboration !!!Hurra!
Nothing here.. press F3 AMGorb PROUDLY PRESENTS LOST IN WOOD ~6:25~ ([STEREO]) [of course] for more info take hammer and hit shift-F9 button Some samples from zrn-lvd and others I don't remember from where... !BUT! Hope you'll like this mellow-trance tune.(!) And if you like this song (and if u DON'T like it) then it would be good if you'll send me your comment to... amgorb_hotmail.com
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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