headstab (headstab.xm)
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Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 22nd Jul 2024
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*Headstab* snork/HRg this is my 1st serious attepmt at making this kinda music ... and i think the last:) greetz as usual: ---------------> zyz,i_L,lav,pirj,manwe xanah,leon,leo,gary, hrg squad and everyone i know p.s. don't blame me if you get a terrible headache after listening throughout the whole song :) achoo Jun0.wav Jun1.wav Jun2.wav Jun3.wav Jun4.wav Jun5.wav Jun6.wav Jun7.wav Jun8.wav Jun9.wav Jun10.wav Jun11.wav Jun12.wav Jun13.wav
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ohh. this tune slaps! bit of amen choppage, pitched and stretched voices, pinch of dub and dread bass for good measure!