Random Sample Choose #1 (dl_-_random_sample_choose.mptm)
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-->RANDOM SAMPLE CHOOSE<-- samples, instruments and soundbanks used: -ORIGINAL-MUSIC Free Drum Samples -MIDI Library (included in OpenMPT by default) -Musica 1.7.sf2, SC-55_zzdenis_v0.5.sf2 i selected 'em randomly :) Song made by DragonLord (c) within 2 days: 2025-01-17 - 2025-01-18
thintom15A2NSmf2(R) thintom15A2NSmf2(L) ZHatCLmf-2(L) BalladGMpp12(R) 2-20inUfipNatDrym(R Low Agogo1(L) footstepc gunshotc machinegunc Udu Stick Xylophone High Agogo (Standard Kit) Hi Wood Block (Standard K Low Wood Block (Standard Jingle Bell (Standard Kit Standard Kit open_hats_sizzle Reverse Cym. Crash Cymbal 1 (d000) thintom15A2NSmf2(R) thintom15A2NSmf2(L) ZHatCLmf-2(L) BalladGMpp12(R) 2-20inUfipNatDrym(R Low Agogo1(L) footstepc gunshotc machinegunc Udu Stick Hi(L) Cams Lrg Xylo F4 VIBE_52A Cams Lrg Xylo C5 VIBE_64A Cams Lrg Xylo F5 Cams Lrg Xylo C6 VIBE_76A Cams Lrg Xylo F6 Cams Lrg Xylo C7 VIBE_88A Cams Lrg Xylo F7 VIBE_A0A High Agogo1(L) Hi WoodBlock(R) LowWoodBlock(R) Jingle Bell(L) castanetc1 Reverse Cym. Reverse Cym. d000n049
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that's a cool idea to have to use random samples. I'm probably going to try that out some time. it didn't turn out bad. I'm assuming you had to use all the ones you got as a rule?
sincerely NEPTUNIUM237