Wake Uuuuuup !! (wake_up-1286.xm)
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---------------------- Wake Uuuuuup !! ---------------------- Composed And Arranged By DustBin/UsE It was my intention to use this song in our first demo .... But Pix (Our Coder) wasn't completely sure, so I decided for a UsE release ! Greets to all italian demoscene ! :)))) I think that this tune isn't too bad .... I Appreciate Feedback STU1016_DNS.UNIFE.IT And Remember That Italians Do It Better! Synth.dx Chk811.wav Bdrumh Minilead.smp Tom1.m1 Hat07.smp Voice1.smp Padchrd1.smp Padchrd2.smp Padchrd3.smp Padchrd4.smp Padchrd4.002 Bells1.smp
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