Shape the future (shape_melvyzk.xm)
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think break AMEN1 AMEN2 AMEN3 AMEN4 808 Bass smooth bass talkbox pad Seatown pad shape vox rise stretch vox wow music so wonderful underground boo pad aaah vox calm vox way jungle techno say pad singing women singing women2 ahhh stretched amen aaah yeah! massive! portrait female blue vox terrorist BREEZE YEAH DRED BASS SUPER SUPER2 SUPER3 SUPER4 SUPER5 Comes Think 2.wav Terrorist Amen 1.wav Terrorist Amen2.wav Terrorist Amen3.wav Terrorist Amen4.wav 808BASS thin pulse wave.wav Talkbox.wav Pad.wav Seatown Pad - 5A.wav Shape Vox.wav Rise Stretch Vox - 8A. Wow.wav Undergound.wav Undergound.wav Ghost-Town-DJs CHORD.w AAAAH Pick em up.wav Calm Vox - 7A.wav Way Jungle Techno - 4A Ten Wibble - 9B.wav 30%.wav 60%.wav Cosmic's Chant 50.wav Stretched Atlantis Ame Calm Vox - 7A.wav Massive Vox.wav Portraits Female - 11A Blue Vox - 8A.wav Terrorist Vox Hit - 9A Breeze Chord - 7A.wav Yeah.wav Dred Bass - 4A.wav SUPER SHARP.wav SUPER SHARP2.wav SUPER SHARP3.wav SUPER SHARP4.wav SUPER SHARP5.wav Bad Boy - 10A.wav Bad Boy - 10A.wav
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