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Sirene Song (aa_siren.xm)

Info Summary

  • aa_siren.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 1.26MB in size and has been downloaded 19894 times since Mon 1st May 2000 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 32616
  • Downloads: 19894
  • Favourited: 14 times
  • MD5: 91fb0f7a1fac92497dcc8e90a24605d1
  • Format: XM
  • Channels: 30
  • Uncompressed Size: 1.26MB
  • Genre: Electronic - Ambient

License License

artists Registered Artist(s):


Rating Ratings

  • Member Rating: rating (9 / 10)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

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Comments Your Comments

member Posted by Psirius on Sat 27th Oct 2018, rated 10 / 10.

The softness with a touch of sweetness, makes this song a pleasure for the ears.

member Posted by IceHeart on Sat 24th Apr 2010, rated 10 / 10.

What can I say? This tune is made with pure love, and it really makes you want to sleep. I played this song for my girlfriend that is pregnant, and she told me she had the best sleep in her life.The piano,and the ambient sound that is "looping" in the background, makes every thing so special. And if you listen to this song with 5.1 or 7.1 surround headset on you can really feel the magic in this song! If you haven't started to down loading yet, what are you waiting for? Down load it and fly away in your own thoughts.

member Posted by Sinel on Wed 31st Oct 2007, rated 10 / 10.

It's one of 2 the best music i've heard. I really like it. It's easy, nice, a bit nostalgic.

member Posted by TMA Placeholder Account on Sun 24th Sep 2000, rated 9 / 10.

I've heard a cpl of songs by archangel before, and i really enjoyed them, as i did with this one aswell! it's a really soft song. contains no drums. just flutes, strins and piano, but still... everything fits together with perfect harmony. After about 3 minutes in the song, a pianomelody starts, which you can just listen to over and over again. another great song from archangel! The song contains mostly 8bit instruments, but also a cpl of 16bit. no matter what, ArchAngel sure knows what he's doing.

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Info Internal Texts *

(c) ArchAngel 1999

100% ambient music
from the ocean...
Duration: 4:24

Relax and feel the
waves flow. Feel them
surround you. Feel
every drop of moist
touch the surface.
Feel the power of life
from where it has its
origin. Feel the sea!

...As the sun rises in
the horizon and its
rays of light touches
the water, all awakens
and life sparkles.
A song so beautiful
even the most diabolic
creature would weaken,
sounded from the
depths of the sea.
The Sirenes ascended
through the blue water
and just above the
surface they hovered
silently as they sang
the song of wakening.
The queens of the sea
have spoken...

This tune took me some
time to finish. I had
to do a lot of fine
tuning and adjustments
here and there. I
believe I have
listened this piece
through at least fifty
times to hear if
everything sound okey.
Especially the part
where the pizzicato
"bumps" come in.
It is supposed to be
3/4 tempo (walse)
there. I think I've
managed that, but it
took me a long time :)

The inspiration to
this song is mostly
taken from one single
picture. I have, with
permission from the
artist, included the
picture in the ZIP
archive together with
the song. I beg all of
you listeners NOT to
remove the picture
from the ZIP archive,
Artist of the picture:
 - Lotta Tjernstrom -
       (c) All rights

I would like to thank
Basehead and Darkhalo
for the usage of some
of their nice samples!

I have joined a music
group called "Illuxion
Music" and this is the
first tune I will
release with them!
I believe it will work
out fine. This is my
best ambient song
I've ever made, and
I hope there will be
more songs in the same
genre! A good start in
a new group - a good
sign :)

Hello flyby's to
Benedict Loh
... and all listeners
out there!!!
It is you who make the
mod-scene work!

With this song I am
changing the
signature of myself to
Illuxion, Scc

Contact me preferably
via e-mail:
Nils Ingvarsson
Avtalsv. 21
187 50 Taby

Good bye folks!

(c) ArchAngel 1999
Soft Chip
Soft Piano
Piano Pad
Ambience 2
Sfx 2
Pan 2
Pizzicato Low
Pizzicato Hi

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
