Addiction (addicti.mod)
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Started hearing this from the Wii Homebrew Channel, knew it was a module.
song changed my life, was it for the better or for the worse i dunno anyways its cool ;P ;P ;P ;P
Comfy tune that features a horn lead and nice synth samples. Very well composed and tracked.
Love how nostalgic and catchy this is! Had this on repeat while doing my homework lol.
Very nice and relaxing.
A lot of people say that this is the music that plays in the Wii Homebrew Browser, but that program actually uses a slightly modified version of the song.
very nice song.
for a while this would play on the wii app "homebrew browser" but sadly that app is broken :( the memories
Very smooth Porn like Synth Pop/jazz song very relaxing song with some lovely melodies This song is not a fast song, its a slow and comfortable song D/L if your into this type of music nothing to complain about in the arrangment and such the samples fit perfectly together with eachother but they are probarly not the best samples well...they probarly where cause this song is from 1992 =)
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one word, W I I D O N U T