Basket Case - Green Day (basket.s3m)
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This is not that bad if you listen it with the boneskulled attitude... This song is a certain lifesaving force, if you had the other way. One of my all time all music favourite songs. You have to maximize the volume if this one just doesn't work for you. But you are right, it should be exactly like the original...
I have to give this one an A for effort. I used to play this song in my band, and based on that I'm sure it isn't an easy song to track in MOD form. That having been said, MODs like this shouldn't be released to the general public. I would only recommend this to the most rabid Green Day fan. The rhythm guitar sound is pretty good. However, that sound should NOT be used to track lead parts. A lead guitar sample (one note at a time, not a sampled chord) should be used for that.
Internal Texts *
Bass Drum Snare Hihat.Opened Hihat.Closed Crash Cymbal Dist Guitar.Short Dist Guitar.Long Tom Bass Lead Voice BASKET CASE (c)Krow 1994 Original song by Green Day off the CD Dookie. S3M off the Krow musicdisk Sojourn.
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Not bad copy of famous song.