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Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 30th Jan 2009
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One of the best classic demos songs ever. Over 25 years later this is good feeling. This is the past of the better days.
Again a tune wich is too complex for me.
I need it more simple and shorter like the follow...
I just keep coming back to this one - it's always top of the playlist.
One of best MOD I've ever heard. And indeed in becomes better and better on infinite repeat. It's some real MAGIC captured into the patterns. Awesome!
It's always exciting for me to discover another mod that I can add to my "hardcore favorites" list. This is one of them!
Professionally composed and arranged but lacks something interesting and is a bit repetitive. The track itself is written in IDM style.
Listened to Dope a lot.. quite possibly the best MOD ever made. Certainly one of the most well known.
Yes, it's that good. 1995 world domination indeed. The realtime MS-DOS demo ("Dope" by Complex) would be a boring object show without it.
Indeed a classic! Catches you instantly once the wiggly hypnotic phrase started, and from then on it just gets better and better :)
Well this is a classic!
The old-school demo Dope by Complex in 1995
IMO this sound-track is 80% of success of this demo.
The tune is great!
(full demo with sound)
Every time this song hits my playlist cycle (I have "space camel part 1" in front oft it and I think they harmonize well) I get quite _high_ on it. Yes, that's a real dope for me.
well.. Jugi. Onward. length: 0:8:30. 10/10. you need more?
Once you get past the first 40 seconds this track does come to life,the atmpsphere in dope is very good for a track that last for 8mins and 30 sec's,the only part that lets it down slightly is the ending but other than that this is a must DL! always has been one of my fav's tunes...
The sound of this MOD is outstanding. Note that this is no regular .MOD file, it has been composed in FT2 and has 28 channels in total. So it's kinda a raped .MOD. Still, those 8 minutes sounds bloody damn excellent and the tune fits really well into the demo.
The artist of this song is not unknown. This song was written by Jugi. It's a demo song with a great atmosphere. Onward.xm is the shorter version of Dope. The song was released in 1995 and awarded first place at The Gathering 95.
Internal Texts *
loop2.1 loop2.2 loop2.4 ping.Leadi ping.leadkaiku loop2.3 Melokick.pat Basso Sinidist ping.HuminaLore ping.Hulina Orgaani ping.bassosini 808clap2.pat 909rcym1.pat 909sd2.pat 909hh3.pat GrooveLoop HardPlate hardlonghiha loop1 loop2 loop3 loop4
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
1995 world domination!