Back From Beyond (bfbeyond.xm)
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Back From Beyond (c) Aragorn of Edunor Feel free to mail: AragornD_ Greetz go to: Skaven, Purple Motion, !Cube, LizardKing, LittleElk, ArchAngel, Semtex I hope you like this one, I've been working on it for a while (don't want to see my efforts go to waste :)
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Another one from the true bit sky... If someone finds a mistake from this, I guess it should be checked if it was heard right. Don't forget it might bring out anything, to change or not. This is one of my personal favorites, a trip to another dimension and so on. To the world of fantasy. Better not dub this to be the best tracker mod, there could be even a better one. I think I could wrestle a bear just to hear this once more... Thanks to the artist.