Around Chaos (ht-arch.xm)
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Around Chaos Composed & tracked by Heatseeker of K/oS OCT.1997 Copyright Heatseeker (c)CANTEGREL Fabrice. ---------------------- K/oS in the Web ---------------------- ---------------------- To contact me for anything...: heatseeker_ ---------------------- ---------------------- All samples by me from X5DR and AN1x synthesizers and from Masterbits CDs FX zone and Sound solutions 8 ---------------------- Time : Around 11mn. Synclead AN1x Sampled by Heatseeker 707-pack Sampled by ? DJKiKE Synclead bass AN1x Sampled by Heatseeker Synclead bass AN1x Sampled by Heatseeker Synclead bass AN1x Sampled by Heatseeker Synclead bass AN1x Sampled by Heatseeker Megadrone AN1x Sampled by Heatseeker Fire ( my voice :) Soar AN1x Sampled by Heatseeker Prodigy Sampled by Heatseeker Prodigy Sampled by Heatseeker my voice :) Timb+Bassdrum X5DR Sampled by Heatseeker Revtimb X5DR Sampled by Heatseeker Tronic FX Sampled by Heatseeker From FX Zone CD. Mel_g3.wav Mel_d3.wav Sampled by Heatseeker (c) Masterbits.
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Like I said earlier, I normally don't like trance songs. Around Chaos is a typical trance song with elements I hate (repetitive, ridiculously long build-ups)... And somehow I really like this song, it's almost magical.