fctitletune (FULLCONT.MOD)
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ST-12:d110pan1 ST-12:k1panflute ST-12:wakaikodrum ST-12:d110koto2 ST-12:wakaikoset1 ST-11:synbass4 ST-11:snare2 ST-09:ddchoirmaj ST-09:ddchoirmin ST-01:
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This nice little dance tune has something, that makes it different from others. The melody is based on a "cute" panflute sample. The intro (before the beat begins) is a little long, but that isn't bad at all. The tune is great, and what seems to be something chinese or whatever, turns into a great dance tune with a great beat based on 3-4 samples. I like it quite well, but I would have liked some more bass. Well, nothing to complain about, but it is a bit simple. The samples are great compared to the size of this module (about 100 kb), but as I wrote earlier, the bass is a little low. Suggestion: If your player is capable of it, then (yes, you guessed it) turn up the bass =).