Faithless.DanceMix. (faithl2.xm)
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(c)NZONE 1996 ---------------------- FaiTHLeSS [DanceMiggs] written by GoO-RoO for NZone. ---------------------- Yeah! It's me again! And worse... I made this song in the way I used to a couple of month ago... like AK101! People thought it was ssooooo good, that I decided to make a last attempt... AND WHOOMPS: HERE IT IS!!!! <<FAITHLeSS>> N-JoY =) ---------------------- And by the way... ...please... ...try the FISH! :) ---------------------- This ModUle is(?) part of the DreamDancers Music Disk. ---------------------- Please do NOT rip! ---------------------- More mixes are available on the following BBS: Center NiCO: +33-04-7543-3873 and N-ZONE Members'BBS: +33-03-8020-1417 open from 21:00 to 24:00. N-ZONE is: GoO-RoO: Music VoLCaZeR: GfX SLiDeR: GfX EoMeR: Code D.j.S.: Something? N-Core: MuSick... N-TeX: GfX
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Not a bad dance tune, but its a little bit too repetitive to score higher.. some good piano solos, and a thumping drum beat both sound great..there a a few vocals thrown in about mid way through and a couple of synth breaks too just to break the repetitiveness up enough. A bit longer and less repetitive and this track would have benefited greatly Good quality samples here.. a flawless drum beat. pverall a very clean construction. but as i mentioned baove.. more itme, less repetitveness.. some good mixing of the vocals too.