Fall from sky (fall.xm)
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This music has an absolutely great melody and a great arrangement. A great dance song from out of the sky! Awesome tune - download now!!!
Oh yeah !!!....WHAT A TUNE !!!!! After 2 years as a "fall lover" I must review that song , beacuse I´m still like that tune so much , after so many times I´ve been listen , at home , in my mp3 player and ofcourse at the work. I mainly working as a farmer and the cows are milking very , very good when they listening to fall from sky :o) With the powerful beat right above the song , I think it´s the best module I´ve ever meet on. So.. download and play it again again and again !!!!!! The effects rulez. In this 22 channel song you can find much of the finest little things that you don´t hear for the 100 first times you been listen to it........:o) Elwood knows how the sound will be used for the best result. A technical masterpiece !!!!
Internal Texts *
Composed by : *-Elwood-* This song was made to be my contribution for the assembly '95 music competition but something strange happened... Greetz to Rage and Raven. And to all musicians! piano&strings
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
this is an awesome song, 10/10.