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Information -Raw mix (INFO.STM)

Info Summary

  • INFO.STM is a STM format module. Uncompressed, it is 238.31KB in size and has been downloaded 3738 times since Fri 28th Jul 2000 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 44386
  • Downloads: 3738
  • Favourited: 3 times
  • MD5: 9ed52ca70f0a76259388279a1d4a0236
  • Format: STM
  • Channels: 4
  • Uncompressed Size: 238.31KB
  • Genre: Electronic - Industrial

License License


Rating Ratings

  • Member Rating: rating (6 / 10)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

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Comments Your Comments

member Posted by kode54 on Wed 26th Dec 2012, rated 7 / 10.

The timing is correct if you listen to it with Scream Tracker 2, or with the latest version of my fork of DUMB, as of 2012-12-16 at 21:46 UTC.

The problem is, Scream Tracker 2 used a speed value instead of a tempo. That speed value assumes a tempo of 125 * 16, and assumes effects will be applied every 16 ticks before counting down to 0, per row. Or at least this is the closest I can assume without disassembling the tracker itself.

Please give it a listen again with foobar2000 and the latest foo_dumb available for it, or ask your player's author to update the version of DUMB they are using:


member Posted by TMA Placeholder Account on Thu 27th May 1999, rated 6 / 10.

Some interesting ideas here... But carried out horribly. Nothing is in time with anything else, or even with itself. There are some good points, though... It's loud, it has samples that would be ideal for the genre if they were timed right, and it actually -sounds- like industrial, something at which many trackers' attempts fail. Still, it just doesn't hold onto anything that sinks its hooks into you, no matter how hard it tries, or how hard it sounds. The samples were incredibly well-chosen, here... But they really needed a few hours more of preparation to make them acceptable for this song. There might be those who defend the song because it was made with Scream Tracker 2... That's like defending a caveman relic because it was painted on a cave wall. It doesn't make the song any better. If you do get this song, be sure to have ModPlug or some other Mod-specific player available... It crashes WinAmp and doesn't open at all in a handful of other mod players.

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