Impulse (impulse.s3m)
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This module has been spotlit!
Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 1st Jun 2013
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Timelord strikes gold once again with this masterful piece of mellow techno. He manages to fuse elements from many styles into his own personal whole... The sweeping strings of ambient, the drumbeats of techno, the flute and woodblock of jungle all come together for a nine-minute ride through the neural networks of a grand and utterly smooth mind. Everything in this mod works superbly on the technical side. Volume effects are set through almost constantly for the sweeps, and all of the bleedthrough from chord to chord is nearly imperceptible. Every part fits into place with the precision of a jigsaw puzzle, and Timelord has packed an amazing amount of sound into only sixteen channels. Pick this apart with a tracker, and you'll find pure brilliance. If you want mellow, listen to this... You will not find better elsewhere.
Internal Texts *
· Impulse by Timelord · August 07, 1996 email & www contact : timelord please see IMPULSE.TXT · · · · · · · · · · · omni.synth tropical.synth star.shaker bng.drum.mlc shimedaiko.mlc suridaiko.rim.mlc myst2.depth impulse.dark.chord impulse.light.chord tin.snare evil.lowbass phased.synth impulse.string.hi tek.bass.synth opening.sp.blip tambor.synth guitar.pluck.synth indian.affinity guitar.synth synth.brass piano.syn vibe.synth cat.strings humm.synth aircraft.thrust capri.hi.hat capri.op.hat soulBass echo.hit.snare.1 pulsation.bass neutron.
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Well, WTF.
This must be one of the best-sounding S3Ms that are floating around here. I don't know many S3Ms with such a good panning and also the samples made me believe I'm actually listening to a XM / IT module. Also, this one's pretty long (almost 9 minutes) and yeah... must be one of the best S3Ms ever. :)