ToC (Viper's Playground) (
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Hey dudes(phew), I just spent longer than it actually took to write this song decorating my instrument and sample list, what a thing to do eh? Anyway, this song has two names: Tremor of Colour and Viper's Playground. (It depends on your perception of the music which one you choose) "A bright shining of colour showing through the tremulous spectrum of grey" What the hell? you ask. Well, I agree. What the hell. Why do song names need to have a story behind them. This song was completed on the 4th of May, 2001 and it's quite alright I reckon. That's the thing about writing the whole song in one go, you don't have a chance to change moods and hence change the song, anyway, what do you think of this song? Comments 2: Copyright (C) 2001 Robbie Benson AKA the Jolly Cat
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This is a good experimental track, reminds me of the old computer game musics. The song doesn't have a clearly memorable central melody, so this won't grasp a 9 if a solid proof for a rating that high is demanded. The most positive thing is that it doesn't get too dominative in any way, full points for that...