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Virtual Brainscape (LZ-VIRTU.XM)

Info Summary

  • LZ-VIRTU.XM is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 939.44KB in size and has been downloaded 5789 times since Wed 1st Jan 1997 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 47105
  • Downloads: 5789
  • Favourited: 2 times
  • MD5: 557a696d4a6fd3ffbbacf10a0995114f
  • Format: XM
  • Channels: 16
  • Uncompressed Size: 939.44KB
  • Genre: Electronic - Industrial

License License


Rating Ratings

  • Member Rating: rating (9 / 10)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

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Comments Your Comments

member Posted by TMA Placeholder Account on Thu 8th Nov 2001, rated 9 / 10.

Aaaah,now this is what I like. Real good smashing piece of industrial kinda music. Very nice beats, basses, effects, mood, athmosphere and everything. And in the end there is a chill part, with fast backgroundtracks, but slower and quite gentle leadsolo. Maybe this sounds so good, because this kind of music is hard to find here, but anyway - Get this. Not an original tracker song, but converted from artists own song anyway. Samples are great and they fit to this piece like cow into the sea. Very professional use of effects and samples, nice solutions, unique soundworld and.. and... Yummmm! My words can't tell, hear it for yourself.=) Or maybe this ain't that good, i just happen to like it.=)

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Info Internal Texts *

  "Virtual Brainscape"

Sequenced / Tracked
          by LioZ

This was originally MD
that I made during my
old sequencing days.

I thought it was good,
so I tried to convert
it into Fasttracker.

Although, a little
limited, I managed to
put together something
that sounded quite OK.

I have only converted
the first part of the
Midi file, coz I had
to exit ft2, and liste
to the Midifile, then
exit, and write some,
a couple of times
before I was done.
I think it was worth
it.  It's a new style
featuring distorted
and freakin' Drumloops
 Sorry about those
loops, I know I could
have tracked some
of them, but hey!
I wanna use my GUS
to the fully extreme!

All the samples are
by me, except the hiha
highhats which is bh's

It took me 3:30 mins.
to put this little
piece of music togethe
coz of all the swappin
between Cakewalk and
Fasttracker, plus all
the sampling and
looping and stuff.
I did the sampling in
Fasttracker2, since
I've lost my CoolED :(

Equipment in use:
JV80, W30, Mics, M1,
my Ac.guitar.
heh :) its broken, but
who cares !
Sounds fantastic anywa

Some samples come
from various S-CD's.

If you want to contact
me, Email me, or look
for me on #TRAX (IRC)
where i'm on as LioZ

my email addy is :

Snail mail is :
Thomas Bergersen
Gudes gt.7
7016, Trondheim

ehm.. and btw, the par
in the end is wrong :)
I am fully aware that
all the samples are
distorted, and overdr.
but I did it on purpos

Greetz :
All ya guys on #Trax
 - BaseHead
 - Daedalus
 - Future A.
 - GooRoo
 - Jase
 - Maelcum
 - Mellow-D
 - Necros
 - Nexus
 - PSI
 - Pegasus
 - Siren
 - Leviathan
 - Zapper
 - Xerxes
 - And everyone else
    on #TRAX/iRC
 - StroboCop
 - Aricz
 - LaRRY
Sorry if I forgot Ne1
Email me, and i'll put
you on next time :)

Just to remind you,

C ya's!

And another thing ;=

The reason why this
one isn't stereo
enhanced, is that my
other 2 speakers are
on repair :(
3:50 mins.
It was a midi file
that i made 2 years
ago, which I converted
into Ft2. Quite a hazl

Sounds ok though.

A part of the music
disk :
Brain Disfunction

Sorry for the sudden
ending on the Bridge
to the second part.
The chords and
the sequencing
is easy. And the
drumloop structure
is quite dull too, but
all in all it sounds
better than my first
attempt at this sort
of music on FT2. :)

A midi-file

+++  basehead / fm  ++
( and vinnie among

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
