Little man (littlema.xm)
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Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 1st May 2022
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I've usually enjoyed all of Elwood's works for a while...This one however, is not like the others. In my honest opinion this is the weakest song I've heard from Elwood. It feels jumbled and all over the place. The beginning 10 to 20 seconds were good, but then it falls apart quite fast. It's listenable, but just barely.
It's not that I hate the song, but it feels off.
I consider Elwood to be one of this genres absolute masters. This is not his best work, but surely amongst them. It's a pleasure to listen to this melody as becomes truly alive while listening to it. Elwood is also a master of all those little details in the background that you might not hear until you solo them out, but even so, those details are very crucial to this piece. This is a must for everyone that wants to learn how to track dance. Great samples and they are used excellently to create the special feel of all Elwood songs. The lead has many tweaks and sounds utterly flawless. Great use of commands. Try soloing out one channel at a time and ask yourself how he does it... A great track.
Internal Texts *
Tracked By: *-Elwood-* -22nd Aug 1995- This tune was made in couple of hours after a f****** stupid day in school. ---------------------- Greetz to Raven and especially to Rage who made it to the 2nd place at Assembly '95 multichannel music competition!!! Jessss!!!!!!! -------- Wwwau!!! -------------
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
not bad for a tune made in a couple of hours after a f****** stupid day in school.