....the Misty Forest (n_misty.xm)
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)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=) ******************* * Land beyond the Misty forest * ******************** )=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=) Style: Fantasy Time: 4.38min **************** This song was made by DJ Neuro - 29 March 2003.. ****************** This is a little song which remind me of Final Fantasy IX ******************* This little song is not so very serious so actually it is a lot of stuff remaining so this little tune are not quite finished ********************* ***************** *Greetingz goes 2:* - Jon Inge - Erland - Stian - HÃ¥vard - Kim Roar - Philip - Runar - Vegard - Eivind and the rest of Valdres VGS IF **************** Els, Elze, Corine, Rik Dennis (2), Rosalie, Eline, Wendy, Bibian, Tatjana, Dini, Henk etc..etc.. ********************** **********T*********** **********H*********** **********E*********** ********************** **********T*********** **********R*********** **********U*********** **********T*********** **********H*********** ********************** **********I*********** **********S*********** ********************** **********O*********** **********U*********** **********T*********** ********************** **********T*********** **********H*********** **********E*********** **********R*********** **********E*********** ********************** Contact information: Write: Max Davidse David Jansestraat 10 4356 BC Oostkapelle HOLLAND email: maxdav_freemail.nl or dreamm1_hotmail.com homepages: http://www.angelfire. com/md/DMaster/index. html or http://members.wbs.net /homepages/m/a/x/ maxdav.html ********************** That's it 4 now, c ya! bassdrum (?) snare (?)
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