Nostalgia II (nostalg2.mod)
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Brass.Synth Clave Snare-2 Bass.Synth Rezonatix Soul.Bass Open.Hi.Hat Closed.Hi.Hat L-Echo.Hit.Snare Saw.Synth.Major-1 Saw.Synth.Major-3 Tom.Synth TL-Mea.Culpa Miracle.Synth Super.Hyper.Bass Nostalgia February 1993 by Youthenasia Nostalgia II Remix by Timelord Sept. 25, 1993 Houston, Texas
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This is a remix of Nostalgia by Youthanasia. The strong starts with some ambient like strings and then it starts to play a breakbeat with these strings and a bass line. That's about it for this song. It's pretty repetitive, but I have to say that it fits great for relaxing or just for background. The drum samples are surprisingly good for a mod that's made in '93. The string arrangements are good, but they should vary a bit more. I haven't heard the original one, so I don't know if this is more like a copy of it or a independent song with some influences.