the frozen flame (nuke-fla.xm)
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the nuke presents "the frozen flame" contact me: Greetings to Dj Earl, Oobe, ZäG PeteCacmac, T-tracker, scisto, komsip, zepsi area51dna, eterman and everyone at #modarchive and why not everyone who listens to this anyway miedosti tällainen "sota on voitettu, mutta isä kuoli"- (abi) viilis maailman ehkä käytetyi sointukulku? house of ski, perhaps? kyllä, jos lumella area51dna beatkit jean nine stinger synth from toodoloo (?) Bassdrum taken from Asu/Confusion Bass (Yamaha TX81z) from grandmaster Hästi.wav by thenuke Hchappot.wav by thenuke Rentor~1.wav by thenuke
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