one future (se-one.xm)
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one future (final version) by sculptor/se & ArchAngel/ time: 03:38 min. style: soft ambient released: 990129 size: 830kb (unzipped) bpm: 90 speed: 3 This song is an update of "Indian Pain". It's almost the same.. but this one's better. contact us: and archangel_traxinspace. com and visit: something.else and Fetch thousands of mods at http:// Further down, personal greets from each of us Greets(Sculptor): archangel.akerheden. anchor.toby.nicotine. nexuz.neuroghost. shabad.retnix.bengke. sway.mindfire.spike. dreamchild.phoenix. Greets(ArchAngel): A Akerheden, Alex Ghost, Andromeda, Beak, Benedict Loh, CaesaR, Captain, Cyanid, Divinus, Hobbit, L Lindstrom, Mysterium, Phlumb- Dumb, Phreak, Sculptor (the co-op), Speer, Syntax Error, xfader, ... and the rest of my acquaintances on the web. And not to forget: A HUGE thanks to everybody who have been involved in the production of the recently released CD "Interstellar Harmony: Volume One"! /ArchAngel If you want a copy of the popular CD, visit for more info! Good bye folks! (c) Sculptor/SE and ArchAngel/Neb.Scc.Mc Ride block/Akerheden Syntom3.wav drumline from Lizardking Pluck Pad trip 1 wave/Akerheden Bass from Lucifer BD Shake Jungle Flute Cl hihat synthsweep/Akerheden elec guit/Akerheden Crash Smorphi.wav Snare Plate windfx from zeta Voice
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The song starts up with some ambience sounds.Later the drums starts work up and you sit back and starts the journey through this nice ambient tune.On our way we meet nice melodies that is smooth and dreamy.The piano and dreamy synth strings is good.The song is just great and my journey contines and my mind is slowin down.This song reminds me of song I heard many years ago.This song called Relax.I just to play it when trained my kata for my Taek Kwon do training. The song is wonderful smooth.But the samples in some parts get to loud and ruins the feel a bit. In the intro there is example of ambience that is just a bit to loud.This disturb alot but later there is some real good strings that almost makes you forget that samples a bit. The samples is perfect quality.Small and good this is the kind that you really wanna rip.