indian pain (se-pain.xm)
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indian pain by sculptor/se & archangel/ time: 4:00 min.. style: ambient finished: 981219 size: 877 kb bmp: 90 speed: 3 well.. this is a very soft and good song! and its my (sculptors) first co op song.. very cool :) I started this song a long time ago and knew that only ArchAngel could finish it.. the result is good! credists to: . akerheden for some good samps . . lizardking for one good drumline . greets (sculptors): archangel.velocity. nexuz.toby.nicotine. anchor.daydream.meox. ice man.g-force.elf. tenner.retnix.shabad. all at #modarchive. greets (archangels): sculptor. all members of neb. all members of scc. all members of mc. have a nice life! merry x-maz and a happy new year! -connection broken- se=something else neb=nebula scc=??? mc=?? _ Something Else Prod. tamburin from ?? block/Akerheden Syntom3.wav from the net. drumline from lizardking spaceplupp from archangel k303 trip 1 from dionysos wave/Akerheden Good Bass from Lucifer Dry_deep.wav from the net Whitnoiz.wav from the net indian flute from Nigthbeat Close_05.wav from the net synthsweep/Akerheden elec guit/Akerheden Crash1.wav from the net Smorphi.wav from the net Cellar.wav from the net Plate_3.wav from the net windfx from zETA
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When I listen to this, I get images of Utah plains and a single native american dancing alone on the sand in a mixup of native and modern dance. You could loop this over and over and it would send you to sleep with sweet dreams. This is quite amazing that such a well blended tune was actualy started by one person and finshed by another. Very well done. The samples were very soothing. I really liked the lead synth.