space_debris (space_debris.mod)
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This module has been spotlit!
Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 1st May 2014
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Truly a brilliant Amiga module - masterfully crafted spacesynth that literally sounds out of this world.
The flawless strings made this one outstanding to all the ret when it came out. I remember sitting with some friends in my room and listen to this for the first time on my old A500. We could not believe our ears and till today it is one of the best mods ever made.
The first track I downloaded from here, months ago. That's how I got started :D
The only problem with this song is I can't listen to it for the first time again. Amazing work.
Such a breathtaking and atmospheric song! I love it. Still does until this day. I remember hearing this on YouTube a year ago when I first got into Amiga music (thanks to off1k for the Jogeir compilation I suppose).
lol first time i heard this i thought it was a screamtracker or xm module. it sounds AMAZING.
i can't even begin to imagine how many times i've listened to this but it never gets old
sounds almost like it would be perfect in a video gam- oh wait
Ahaaa I knew this sounded familiar... turns out it was in a piece of Wii homebrew I downloaded a while ago. Banger track.
One of the best. Still dig it after all these years.
Awesome mod. Just converted it to .p61 for use with the cydonia-dreams demo.
My all time favourite mod file...could listen to this one endlessly.
It sounds like travelling in space. I see it in a space shooter video game.
It's a great progressive tune with intro, which builds up very well. The main melody is really catchy.
no comments are required to describe this all time classic mod ^_^
creativity at it's best !!!! :D
Awesome classic! Feels like cruising at high speed in a ship from Elite sans pirate bastards firing lasers from behind :)
This. Is. Amazing.
I don't know what to say. It lasts just as long as it needs to, and it does more in that time than nearly any other song ever.
It makes me feel as if I am taking my first steps on a lunar colony. Seeing all the machines and their crew members hard at work, ensuring safety, and efficiency.
An awesome classic. Captain really pushed out the Amiga Paula's 4 Channels to the near maximum possible in this song, and I will say I am impressed!
If this is not a classic, I don't know what is :)
Actually, it is spacesynth. I agree it is made and composed professionally but certainly this track lacks some spark inside and is emotionally cold. The leading tune is melodic but not as catchy as you can expect after reading previous reviews. All in all, it's an excellent work of superb quality but not without flaws.
This brings back memories! One of the best MODs made. No artist listed here but I believe it was made by Markus "Captain" Kaarlonen.
The amount of recognition this module receives is fitting. This is a superb song and it has aged very well. If you haven't listened to this yet, do so now!
LOL this is like the greatest mod of all time. I downloaded lots of mods off a BBS, but this one was modified to have the speed all screwed up on the NOVA BBS and when I found a player that allowed me to modify the speed, I realized how great it was. It was like Christmas when I found the unmodified version of this. With Santa Claus and stuff. Rock on. Love you Captain.
This reminds me about the opening of an old VHS tape... it is definetly worth to take a look at this module through a tracker program, because then you see how much the creator pushed out of 4 channels! There is not much room left for more. What a great song.
Well done. Another new member to my personal library of classics.
I'd call it "Spacey electronica"
This song is boss. period. End of story.
Just noticed there is a remake of this mod (with modern instruments) on YouTube made by the original author Markus "Captain" Kaarlonen -
Still, this must be one of the best mods of all time ^^
Just Epic! very impressive tune, especially for using only 4 channels!
This song is a classic. I wish I could write music as good as this.
By far my favorite. It's the song that got me interested in mods in the first place and it holds up above all in my opinion.
Internal Texts *
SuperHyperBass BD1 SD1 Zoh2.Minor Chord1.Minor Chord1.Major Hup SoftShake Choir Chord1.Arrested Rezonatix3 SawSynth.Major SawSynth.Minor SawSynth.Arrested1 SawSynth.Arrested2 SawSynth SynBrass
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
best mod i've found, will stay that way