hallucinations (0.mod)
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Maybe I don't get the idea, but this module feels very empty for me. I listened to it over ten times at different days and months in past three years, but my opinion has not changed much – it lacks bassline, and maybe it has good atmosphere, it is still disappointing for me. I was surprised when I found out that the composer of this module is a famous Jesper Kyd (see Internal Texts field of hallucinations)! He has much better modules than this one.
I remember finding this a few years ago. I was kind surprised by the ratings on here, and expected something lower because it sounded so mediocre. Listening to it now, it's not as bad as I thought it was anymore, but I still don't like it. It gets pretty repetitive after a while. Occasionally, it has some variation, but the song gets boring and mind-numbing fairly quickly.
This seems to be only the skeleton of what a completed module would be. Perhaps it was not finished?
Perfect song for halloween. It has a nice beat, cool ,,spooky" sounds and the electric guitar which really gets the job done!
Well worth downloading you will not be disappointed at all.
Internal Texts *
st-15:itklaver st-15:kefhihat st-15:kefoctav st-15:powerrythm st-15:nuischor st-15:nuisinstr st-15:nuistromp st-15:nuisvipe
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Definitely enjoyable, the melodies are cool and spooky.