Unknown Phuture (unk.xm)
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Quite a different style of Elwood, this one is still excellently crafted and a fine production. Lead melody rolls in with a wonderful accompaniment of spinning velo synth bass and arpeggios. Quite likable. Enjoyed!
IMO not one of Elwood's best tunes, but it's different... Fast flawless techno, the vocals fit very well, they even fit into the rhythm (something that not everyone pays regard to if vocals are just used "for effect"). All in all, a happy techno tune! Absolutely recommended!
Well, well, well..... This is a great song of Elwood. I have nothing to say infact, but let's take it anyway: An exiting song where the drums, bass a.s. are hitting eachother perfectly. 5:05 is maybe a bit long, but it's really worth it. No out-of-tunes, it isn't monotonous and it's just great music. The end is very good, and the groove-factor is high. Very well made of Elwood (Jussi). The samplequality is great and it doesn't sound noisy. The effects are with, of course, and it's very complicated. Not everybody can make that sort of music you know. This is a SAFE download----------------:)
Internal Texts *
Composed by: - Elwood - This song takes very much mem but it's worth it. (at least I hope...) Greetz goez to : Rage Raven and everybody else who have contacted me somehow And Yessss!!!!! At last... Elwood's e-mail address!!!! : elwood79_hotmail.com 1996 (C) Jussi Salmela
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
YES!! my most favorite song from you, I'm giving that a 10/10.