Atarian - Free (04f.xm)
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---------------------- ------Atarian-------- ---------------------- presents: ********************* | Free | Atarian is: Pål-Stian Arnesen This song was finished 12.12.2000 Don't use without my permission For Contact mail me: Samples Ripped!sorry i would like some feedback on this song If you want to remix it contact me first: Time:4.40 Meet me at mIRC. Nick=Atarian_ Channels: #Fredrikstad Samples Ripped! Sorry, but I don't Proper equipment to produce my own samples The song could and should have been longe sorry Cherio! Cymbl010.wav Snare015.wav Clap-010.wav 18-a08~1.wav
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This is really good music; I've always been a fan of the retro styled music.