What's the Catch? (thecatch.xm)
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This is a really catchy and happy funk tune. Although some of the samples aren't that good, this sounds pretty nice. The level of variation is great, the mood of the tune changes a few times (for example at 1:00, 1:40 - OMG, this is really crazy :D - or 3:50. Those melodies at 1:00 and 3:50 are really awesome IMO.
Internal Texts *
Base Base2 Bdrmride Bdrum Chip Doom Flute Highchip Hihat Jazz String Sdrum "What's the Catch?" by BeaT (Seth Peelle) E-mail: bpeelle_mail.telis.org Created for: The FOSH Special Compo www.3awebcon.com /hsd/fosh/ Finished within 24 hrs (and boy am I zonked!) 12/27/97 California, USA zzzzzzz... FOSH Compo Sample00000 FOSH Compo Sample00000 FOSH Compo Sample FOSH Compo Sample FOSH Compo Samplennnn FOSH Compo Sample00000 FOSH Compo Sample FOSH Compo Sample FOSH Compo Sampleions FOSH Compo Sample00000 FOSH Compo Sample Sdrum.smp
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Mr. BeaT proving once again that he is the king of intricate melodies and exquisite progressions. Some samples may not be perfect, but composition is full of brilliant ideas. Give it a try!