For What You've Done -GA- (
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For What You've Done (c)1997/98 Rob Ferguson Composed by Guardian Angel -------------------------- This beautiful song was written Easter, 1996, as a thankyou for all that God has done in my life. I hope you enjoy the gentle melody of this relaxing piece. I really enjoyed composing this one. God bless you all. -------------------------- Playing Time: 7m:13s Time to Compose: 8hrs Visit my home page: or write
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This piano tune is a relaxed piece of music that very much sounds like a real piano piece. The beats are a bit too perfect through the entire peice to be played live, and the tempo variations are too small compared to a real piano player, but other than that it is really well made. The fact that the song is 7 minutes long is a bit confusing, especially if you play it on repeat, as it sounds like a 2 minute song. Very repetetive and a bit montonous, but a really nice piano track. The piano samples are really good, but with a bit too much reverb maybe, leaving a bit of a "sound soup" in the background. The percussion tracks have been left at the same volume level throughout the song, which make them sound kinda "hard" compared to the rest of the song. The variations in the level on the song is good, but the piano and drum variations are a bit lacking.