Flight of swanlet (swanlet.xm)
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Flight of the Swanlet by Letharus If you like this tune, or even hate it, feel free to e-mail me at: Letharus_aol.com November 1996 Violin.smp Violin_l.smp
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Except the distrubing main melody, this tune is very good. It gives an ambient atmosphere. Perhaps the song style is wrong choosen because it's more like a ballad. Never mind. But in the whole thing, the artist can be proud of his tune, the background sound is not so exaggerated and very nice. I listened nearly one hour to this tune. I don't know why but it gives me a strange feeling. First the ambient part of the tune: Very well choosen! Long tons and then the melody with a paino (or a harf or something like that, I don't really regognize the instrument). Then the drum comes. Like in these military parades when there is a drum spin. (I do not find the right word on English but in German it is called 'Trommelwirbel') Good work!!