Sweet dreams (sweetdre.xm)
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Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 1st May 2014
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I got every time pure goosebumps! Fantastic song.
This is my favourite song of all time ever. I love this song so much that I can't put it into words. Sherwyn's YTPMV of it is one of my favourites as well, but really, this couldn't be any better it's so fantastic. I like Deadlock, but really, this song outshines it, it's so great.
More than a fantastic song, just, amazing.
Elwood is the master of melody and this tune is his best work (I enjoy it more than Dead Lock).
Well, what can I say but "Elwood kicks ass"! This is just one prime example of his excellent skills, how I love that tune... So upbeat and catchy!
will i sound repeatative?) yes, this one is the most favorite Elwood's tune for me; both because of its name and its melody. and, geez, when these things in the beginning start to play their simple but way cool sounding theme... i cannot describe. it's just great, guys. don't forget to tune onto this after the Dead Lock.
Elwood is one of my favorite all-time trackers and Sweet Dreams is definitely a sweet composition. It will forever be in my "favorites" mod folder.
This is probably Elwood's best song. It was well put together and sounds amazing. One of my personal favourites. Great beat to it, very professional.
One of my favourite Elwood tunes. I'm always amazed at how professional and structured this one sounds. Really great work here.
Good lord! Elwood is the king of tracking! Check out his composition! The intro is one of the best i've heard. His counter-melodies, lead switches from flute to organ, a shaking bass and rhythm section, and perfectly executed effects, chords, and timing make this download a no-brainer. Each sample is 8 bit, but remember he shouldn't be faulted here since many songs during his time of release were all 8 bit. Anyways, you won't even notice the 8-bitness if you run modplug player or OpenCubicPlayer. All trackers should study his composition!
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Tracked by: -Elwood- lässyn lässyn... päläpäläpälä... pläp pläp pläp pläp! Greetz goes to: Raven and Rage Snailmail: Jussi Salmela Ruhankatu 7 38710 Kankaanpää FINLAND
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
sweet dreams, son :)