What Time Brings (time.it)
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Violin.Vibrato Piano [WindWod] Pan Flute I [P] Halo Pad, slow attack Panflute Kongdrum <C.Jarvis> Gong.smp Don't look Back KITARO2 <Decomplier> KITAROD2 <Decomplier> Follow up drum Violin.Vibrato MY Piano [WindWod] Pan Flute I [P] Halo Pad Panflute Lead <Firefox> Kongdrum <C.Jarvis> Gong.smp Once in the Night KITARO2 <Decomplier> KITAROD2 <Decomplier> Follow up Drum ||||||||||||||||||||||||| ▐▐ What Time Brings ▐▐ ||||||||||||||||||||||||| By The Decomplier(c) ------------------------- The R.A.F. Newage Music Disk ------------------------- This song was my first experiment with IT Format. It is made up of a couple of small tunes composed over TIME. ------------------------- T.I.M.E. 3:45 ------------------------- E-mail- jjw_ca_ix.netcom .com Visit our webpage! http://www.bracing.com/ Decomplier/raf.html or call me at (619) 244-6157
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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