Synesthesia (
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Synesthesia By Dcaveman All my senses come together. Confusion fills my mind. The sound of color, The sight of sound, The taste of words that fill my nose. Stimulation all around me, So much I cannot bear. Two minutes of calm and comfort, And two of utter chaos. Sound is my canvas, On which I splatter my thoughts. I plunge into abstraction, Taking nothing with me, Nothing, but my soul. Randomness surrounds me, Then all fades to black... That was a nice little piece of poetry there. I got the inspiration for this tune after reading "Star Trek: Ashes of Eden" by William Shatner. I won't spoil it by giving away the plot, but I'll tell you that it is a must-read for Star Trek fans. The original title for this was "Children of Heaven", after a Klingon/Romulan project in the book, but it sounded a little generic. I instead used the title "Synesthesia" because it most accurately describes the song. Synesthesia is basically a medical term for having your senses mixed up. You learn a lot of cool stuff from watching The Learning Channel when nothing else is on... I included the little poem because I felt it was appropriate for the song. Greets go out to Beth, Damien, Jennings, Amon Ra, Junior, and several others who had helped out in one way or another. I would also like to thank you for d/l'ing this song and passing it around. Feel free to do so. Contacts: Email- Homepage- MOD Page- "Imagination is more important than knowledge" -Einstein
Voxlead Tremolo Strings Jazz Guitar Weird Synthesizer Overdriven Lead Guitar Fingered Bass Drums Mystery Vocal Voxlead Tremolo Strings Jazz Guitar:Middle octave Jazz Guitar:High octave Overdriven Lead Guitar Weird Synthesizer Fingered Bass Natural Kick Synth Kick Crash Cymbal Mystery Vocal
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Yeah!! A nice ambient track. A nice melody. The right track like in a dream or for a Star Trek Episode I can't believe it yet. After the ambient part, the basses are an excellent idea. Like the Austrian would: "Dieses Stück ist verdammt geil!!!"