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Whistler's Bride (whistler_s_bride.it)

Info Summary

  • whistler_s_bride.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 2.27MB in size and has been downloaded 4425 times since Sat 11th Feb 2006 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 62710
  • Downloads: 4425
  • Favourited: 8 times
  • MD5: d2a840475b4db68cb11b5cf35de9578c
  • Format: IT
  • Channels: 40
  • Uncompressed Size: 2.27MB
  • Genre: Folk

License License

artists Registered Artist(s):


Rating Ratings

  • Member Rating: rating (10 / 10)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

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Comments Your Comments

member Posted by Psirius on Thu 27th Jun 2024, rated 10 / 10.

It transports me every time I listen to your work. You capture this musical genre perfectly.

member Posted by Saga Musix on Tue 28th Jul 2009, rated 10 / 10.

The usual quality from warder. Very realistic and epic. A must-have module!

member Posted by Arne Puszelski on Fri 24th Jul 2009, rated 10 / 10.

Absolutely great track with a very strong irish influence. Outstanding song writing, and very good samples. Awesome music!!!

member Posted by A-zTech on Sat 14th Feb 2009, rated 10 / 10.

you know what i think? this tune sounds for me as good as Elwood's tune, PM's Touch of Spring or Cube's Scotchman in skirt! Awesome, awesome, AWESOME celtic tune, one of the BEST OF THEM EVER!!! it makes you want to dance... maybe it's one of the rare tunes that you've never expected to meet among the tracked modules. so indeed, grab it and have some Celtic.

member Posted by m0d on Mon 14th May 2007, rated 10 / 10.

THIS is the second part of Warder's trilogy. For some reason it's been buried on the archive and now i've found it i'm making a point of highlighting it. This is superb, the irish jigs and celtic folk influences are omnipresent with every intention of wowing you with a splended epic tale. It's best played loud, too - the bhodruns are fantasticly raging along with the accordian like leads which are common to all 3 of the trilogy. The tune does get a little repetative but it's got transitions just when you least expect them. Top quality. Grab it if you haven't already.

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Info Internal Texts *

                            the Feadanaigh Epic

                     'We are the music makers,
                  and we are the dreamers of dreams,
                      Wandering by the lone sea-breakers,
                    and sittting by desolate streams.'

                               - Arthur O'Shaughnessy

        the Feadanaigh Epic is my long term project. It consists
        of three parts, of which this is the second.

          the Feadanaigh Epic

                + Moors of Ireland
                + Whistler's Bride

        Feadanaigh is ancient Eire and translates as Whistle Player.


                            the Whistler's Bride

                   Road dust clinging to his clothes
                    he made his way over the ancient
                    bridge spanning the foaming river.

                   His heartsong soared freely above the
                    treetops and clouds, even.

                   Its bright voice held a note of melancholy
                    for something in the lass had awakened
                    something long forgotten.

                   But he was claimed in a way no earthly woman
                    could rival.

                   Lifting his cold bride made of metal to his
                    lips, he let his heartblood flow.

                   The long road that was his life gently crunched
                    beneath his heels.

        Maybe this is an attempt to return to my roots - combining
        the newfound folk influence with my earlier orchestral and
        new age habits. I dare say this style is something I invented.


        Please enjoy. It is a mammoth project in every sense. Sample
        set is very big, it uses over 60 channels and more than 200
        working hours went into it.

        OK, so playing back this song is computer murder. Use IT L50
        to limit the channels to 50, which should be adequate for this
        song. This requires at least 40 channels, since there are
        40 active tracks.

        To listen to this song with GUS classic cards, you need to
        use quarter quality and will miss even some active tracks,
        so you might as well use the diskwriter and convert it into

        GUS MAX, PnP, AWE owners: please use software mixing.

        - Vn

        Fall 98

        Comments, criticism, ideas, insights, helloes
        and everything relevant and irrelevant should be
        sent to: vesa.norilo_dlc.fi


Orchestra Brass
Horn Section
Drum 1
Drum 2
Drum 3
Drum 4
Low Whistle
Low Whistle Delay Pt1
Low Whistle Delay Pt2
Orch Bass
Moody Strings
Pick Bass
Vox Morphing Left
Vox Morphing Right
Bass Sun
Uillean Bagpipes
Acoustic Guitar
Loud Piano 14-part
Gong Reverse
# Vesa Norilo (Warder)
# (C) 1998 Crystalline



2.5 MB? GUS is dead,

Sample Sources:

+ Korg Trinity
+ Landola Acoustic Gtr
+ Song of Irish Whistle

Plays 8:04

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
