picture of her (xr-pict.xm)
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Ah, the beautiful face and its ugly mole, or, to put it differently, the sure fire classic that stumbles over a basic flaw.
Because, really: What the frigg is it with the "Sommersmogbestimmung" (#15) sample. Why is it even there? Why repeat it constantly? It's an awful and useless addition and pulls me out of the otherwise great ambience of this song. Bummer. But at least you can mute it selectively, it's an XM module after all.
This one of the best ambient track I´ve ever listened to. Great composing, voices, drums and bassline. Absolutely great - a dream!!!
This sounds like it has some inspiration from Songs of Distant Earth by Mike Oldfield, I'm sure of it :-) very nice tune, excellent composition, but ever so slightly unoriginal.
She must be pretty nice, the girl whose picture this song should represent. I like the odd background voice sample that's playing constantly. As always, Xerxes has some really great pads and drums in this tune and they sound IMO even better than in the 2004 edit.
A real masterpice that comprises 6 minutes of beauty...
Ok, this doens't happen much that I like a song so much to give it a 10. But this one really deserves it. I'm a bit stunned to hear this. 'Cause this is a song that should be burnt to CD. I really don't want to tell you how the music is, just download it and hear it for yourself. The melody is unbelievebly good. An excellent choice of samples, the voice's blend in very well. And you can hear an excellent pad/synth. This song is finished, there's nothing I could think off that shouldn't have been in it. Great!!!
Internal Texts *
xerxes / night55 endscroll theme 2 .lancaster approach. inspired by true beauty k a r i n a on the net xerxes_night55.com www.night55.com respect members night55 ron & walkman noiseless five musicians maniacs of noise date 15.june.1998 samples xerxes walkman jogeir liljedahl ron enjoy & .try headphones. heia norge
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
I really like this chill ambient song. It has a nice rythem that carries you through with etherial strings and vocals that really round out the track to sounding very professional... almost good enough for radio. Very nicely done!