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Flutana Variata (spx-flutanavariata.it)

Info Summary

  • spx-flutanavariata.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 1.43MB in size and has been downloaded 4432 times since Tue 20th Jun 2006 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 64956
  • Downloads: 4432
  • Favourited: 10 times
  • MD5: 1f543beec3a123c77b80479bbeadc1de
  • Format: IT
  • Channels: 64
  • Uncompressed Size: 1.43MB
  • Genre: Fusion

License License

artists Registered Artist(s):


Rating Ratings

  • Member Rating: rating (10 / 10)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

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Comments Your Comments

member Posted by moecmks on Sun 5th Jan 2020, rated 10 / 10.

I've heard this song hundreds of times
Each stage has a different feeling,
There were several sad harmonies that were so infectious that I even left a tear behind
Excellent. I hope this module will be heard by more people

member Posted by Psirius on Sun 20th Jan 2019, rated 10 / 10.

I don't know the times that I have heard. This song is not bestial..., is the following.

member Posted by Midori Mizuno on Tue 13th Feb 2018, rated 10 / 10.

Holy ****, this is lovely ;-; How can i rate a song eleven out of ten

For real though, this has to be one of most underrated songs on ModArchive, i can't believe it didn't get spotlit oh, it got fixed :). Your compositional skills are top-notch. This sounds like a theme from some jRPG

member Posted by Beyond on Mon 9th Nov 2015, rated 10 / 10.

Sphenx is a true Impulse Tracker virtuoso. I would guess he (?) spent 100 hours doing this, but maybe it was far less?

member Posted by Arne Puszelski on Mon 22nd Mar 2010, rated 10 / 10.

Absolutely great ambient/orchestral track. Over 11 minutes with many parts. Great athmosphere with awesome melody and dynamic. Awesome music!!!

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Info Internal Texts *

  *                            Flutana Variata                           *
  *                           -----------------                          *
  *                          (C) 2006, by Sphenx                         *


 Current Version : v1.00
 Original Release: 11 June 2006
 Running Time    : 11:23
 Active Channels : 64
 Virtual Channels: 245
 Samples         : 97
 Instruments     : 64
 Patterns        : 100
 Unused Patterns : 13



 Of  course,  Impulse  Tracker  is  the  must  for  playing  this  module.
 Otherwise,  XMPlay should  do  well  the job,  with maybe  some glitches.
 Don't forget to enable enough channels for playback.



  Flutana  Variata  is an  experimental  modern  orchestral  ambiant song.
 The  main theme is  built over  classical instruments  like flute, piano,
 trumpets and  guitar. It starts  softly setting the  guitar accompaniment
 that is stable over the whole song. Comes a first introductory theme with
 piano and flute, then with guitar.  After then the song slowly grows into
 a full  orchestrated piece  of music, with  the help of synthetic sounds.
 And the main themes are  derivated into several variations that run until
 the end of the  song with a last return of the soft theme for the finish.

  Flutana  Variata started as  a cheap old fashioned mod, but I decided to
 give it a more realistic sound with high quality samples and instruments.
 It could  have been a complete  piece of music  entirely done with "real"
 instruments, and  it was well fine  like that, but I couldn't help to add
 "full sound" with some  synth echoed samples and filters. I guess that is
 something  that  makes  my  songs  somewhat  special, don't  you  think?
 As  usual, it  starts  well, neat  and  clear,  then  it  becomes  heavy
 overloaded. Seems like I don't like to see an empty channel! ;-)

  Surely,  those will  look into the  patterns will understand this module
 needed  quite a  lot of work.  Might found  something  interesting in it?
 like  the  unhearable  details ..

  Enjoy it!



  A song is nothing without samples. Here are my sources:

 Guitars and piano are from the Trackers Instruments Repository.

 Flutes, oboe and the harp comes from Little Elk musics.

 The  others comes  from some  Amiga games : Shadow of the Beast II,
 SoccerKid, Apidya (yeah for Huelsbeck!);

 some others from Awesome, Skaven, Nightbeat ..

  I  admit  I  downsampled  the  sources for  keeping  the module around a
 reasonable size.

  Warm  thanks to these  trackers, to those  who made the samples and high
 respects  to Jeffrey Lim  for the bright  idea to write Impulse Tracker!



 Drop  some words,  whatever things  or professional  musics requests.

 email : gb_sphenx_hotmail.com


Flutana Variata
(C) 2006, Sphenx

Guit: Spanish Guitar Med
Guit: Spanish Guitar Echo
Guit: Nylon Guitar F
Guit: Bass Guitar
Harp: Concert Harp
Piano: Low Piano
Piano: Piano
Flute: Fast Cut
Flute: Fast End
Flute: Fade In
Flute: Long End
Flute: Airy Flute
Oboe: Oboe
Oboe: Oboe Long Echo
Oboe: Oboe VolSaw
Oboe: Square Panned
Bell: Glockenspiel
Str1: Note Off ===
Str1: Note fast
Str2: Note Off ===
Str2: Note fast
Str3: Synth Strings
Str3: Synth Filters
Str3: Filter
Choir: High Choir
Lead: Trumpet
Lead: Trumpet Med
Lead: Filter Pouet
Lead: Filter 4
Lead: Filter 3
Lead: Filter 2
Lead: Filter 1
Brass: Ensemble
Brass: Ensemble Med
Brass: Ensemble Ramp Up
Brass: Filter 4
Brass: Filter 2
Brass: Filter 3
Brass: Filter 1
Bass: Smack Bass
Bass: Smack Bass Swing
Synth: Long
Synth: Short
Synth: Synth Echo
Harp: Synth Echo
Chip: Bubble Echo Slow
Chip: Airy Cut
Chip: Airy Cut Fade
Chip: F Left Triangle
Perc: Final Crash
Perc: Roll Snare
Perc: F-ETOM3
Perc: Thump
Perc: Reversed Crash
Perc: Rolling Snare
Perc: KettleDrum.5
Perc: KettleDrum.Hard
Perc: Zobie Snare Drum
Perc: Orchestra Cymbal
Perc: Timpani f Fade out
Perc: Timpani f
Perc: Timpani
Perc: Synth Hihat
Perc: Synth Snare
**** Flutana Variata ****
****** Sphenx 2006 ******
Spanish Guitar med E1
Spanish Guitar med G1
Spanish Guitar med B1
Spanish Guitar med D2
Spanish Guitar med F2
Spanish Guitar med A2
Spanish Guitar med C3
Spanish Guitar med E3
Spanish Guitar med G3
Spanish Guitar med B3
Spanish Guitar med D4
Spanish Guitar med F4
Spanish Guitar med A4
Oboesnts.wav 00
Flutsnts.wav 01
Flutsnts.wav 02
Flutsnts.wav 03
Flute2       04
Flute2       05
Flute2       06
Flute2       07
Flute2       08
Flute2       09
Brass Ensemble F3
Glockenspiel C#6
Glockenspiel B6
Trumpet C2
Trumpet C3
Trumpet C4
Trumpet C5
Timpani f L
Timpani f R
Orchestra Cymbal
Oboerang.wav 00
Oboesnts.wav 01
Oboesnts.wav 02
Oboesnts.wav 03
Oboesnts.wav 04
Oboesnts.wav 05
Oboesnts.wav 06
Oboesnts.wav 07
Oboesnts.wav 08
Oboesnts.wav 09
Oboesnts.wav 10
Oboesnts.wav 11
Oboesnts.wav 12
Oboerang.wav 13
Oboerang.wav 14
Oboerang.wav 15
Nylon Guitar f E3
Nylon Guitar f A3
Nylon Guitar f D4
Nylon Guitar f G4
Nylon Guitar f B4
Nylon Guitar f E5
Piano C1
Piano G1
Piano C2
Piano G2
Piano C3
Piano G3
Piano C4
Piano G4
Piano C5
Piano G5
Piano C6
Clean Bass
Clean Guitar
StringsA            [Azo]
StringsJ      [Jesus2099]
Harp         00
Harp         01
Harp         02
Harp         03
Harp         04
Harp         05
Harp         06
Harp         07
Zobie Snare Drum
Roll Snare    [Huelsbeck]
Crash         [Huelsbeck]
KettleDrum 3.Hard
Reversed Crash[Nightbeat]
Carre Bass          [Spx]
Sinus Synth
Smack Bass      [Awesome]
Electric Tom
303:Piano 1
Sinus Wave C.04     [Spx]

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
