Space Camel (edge-space_camel.s3m)
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I don't understand what makes me like this module so much, but I think it has something to do with that awesome melody that kicks in as soon as you start to play the module - let's not forget that sweet bass line that runs throughout the entire tune.
Internal Texts *
By Edge / Unexpected 1994 This song was the end tune in Chromatiks I, the great musicdisk coded by Trixter featuring music from me, Purple Motion, Cybelius, Prism, etc etc.. BTW, this is the VERY FIRST .S3M not created by Future Crew members that has been released! And since I'm now making music with ST3 which supports 99 instruments, you have a lot to read! :) Naah, just kidding. I just want to thank PSI for creating this terrific tracker and having me write the .DOC! Maha on jumala! Want to contact me? Email: Voice: +358-(0)-378247
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Maybe the most favorite song of my own taste, the melody with a fairytale-like background are just more than music... I'd say this is a full points tune only if I knew would it sound even better with more duration or not. In every case, this is surely more than one can hope for. A kind of song that makes you feel it was, unfortunately, just a dream when it ends.