interference (interference.mod)
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Heh. I ripped that (mtn/spt).
Awesome tune by Virgill. The mysterious intro, build-up and then *BAM* the melody. It sure sounds as if it has much more than only 4 channels. Pure greatness.
Wow! At time of writing, this mod hasn't been 'spotlit', reviewed or rated yet?!?!?
An absolute quality 4-channel module, right up there with all the classics.
Decent samples filling your ears giving the impression of more than 4 channels. Great phrases, interludes and what-not, with a change of tempo half way through for variation, before kicking back to the original tempo and a awesome keyboard style flourish to end. Oh, and I love the bass slide at the end of each 'verse'! :D
When listened to as part of the demo it was in (Interference by Sanity), it comes alive even more, if that's even possible! And I did read it was used during the installer for a later version of AmigaOS, either 3.5 or 3.9, but cannot confirm...
In a demo context, one of my absolute all time fave mods and surely one of Virgill's best?
Internal Texts *
by virgill/masque taken from the 'interference' demo by sanity. rip by mtn/spt. conversion from prorunner made with 'proruncrack'.
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
I listened to this module for an hour straight without even realizing it