"Easy Going" - CIA '95 (easy_going.s3m)
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CiA:Enigma.BassDrum CiA:Enigma.HiHat CiA:Enigma.Snare CiA:Rimshot CiA:Bass.Beep CiA:Korg16.Synth CiA:Breath.Out CiA:Breath.In CiA:Short.Bass CiA:Snare.Treble CiA:Snare.Fade.In CiA:Electric.Synth CiA:Agogo CiA:Newage.Synth CiA:Sine.Synth CiA:Ride.Cymbal CiA:BassDrum CiA:Cymbal.Crash.+.BassDrum CiA:High.Cymbal.Crash CiA:Krad.Slap.Bass ___________________________ Title: "Easy Going" Composed by ... _______A Joint Effort______ Cerebral Neurosis [cia] Music Coordinator #1 and... Dark Wolf [cia] Music Coordinator #2 ___________________________ 13 Channels Used... 25 Patterns 20 Samples 6/9 Alternate Speed 125 Tempo 4:04 Minutes Long.. ########################### messages and greetz: Dark Wolf: Werd, now "this" song has some funk... Thanx to CN in doing a joint effort. I think the song came out pretty well. =) greetz: homeboyz in #trax & of course #ansi,cerebral neurosis,beaner,venom,quarx floss,iv,domino,dj_quad, MrMuff,pinguino!,and ummmmm mmm thats it... later fewlz -dark wolf '95 Cerebral Neurosis: wewp! yes, "this" song has FUNK&!^%$ it was fun trying to make this.. sometimes.. except when i got stuck! ;) greetz: #trax, #ansi, KNDBot <g>, beaner, tron, dj_quad, blurr, wiz, iw, dark wolf, muff, everyone else who is around.. *yes, there are 6 rage against the machine notes* cn did da bASs*!^% dw did the geetarz, cept for the solo in tracks 5-7 which cn did.. cn did drums dw came up wit da main song body . and he did the drums from the end of track 9 to track 13.. wewp! oh yea.. and dw did the funky organ solo.. what the heck are you looking for down here? ;)
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